As of the date 30th December in the area’s known as: Nation of Boudica has declared its independence from the UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION and its treasonous Governments. It is to be recognised as its own sovereign micro nation to be officially recognised by other nations, other micro nations, United Nations or any other national organisations and institutions.
The people of this micro nation felt that the Government of the United Kingdom is NOT doing its job to serve and protect its people. They have put the people in harm’s way and are in fact slaves to the tyrannical system.
We the members of Boudica will do everything in our power to invest and serve the people and to help them individually in any way to help their sovereignty and unalienable power grow. Empowerment under Common law and Natural Law.
The Nation of Boudica will still support the United Kingdom with foreign aid and while performing its own activities and functions it will not supply arms or military help under any circumstances as the citizens have sworn an oath to protect and to serve life, to be peaceful to all nations.
The Nation of Boudica will be open to trade and diplomatic relations to all micro nations unless deemed unfit by the acting prime minister of the Nation of Boudica.
Signatures of the first People of the Nation of Boudica, (please see below signatures).
Declaration of Rights under Trust & Treaty.
Declaration of Rights was signed by twenty two Britons, in front of 22 witnesses, on the 22nd day of August 2020, by and for the People of Britain, for the singular purpose of restoring the rights, freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Common Law.
Declaration of Rights~ 22nd August 2020
1.0. Let it be known by all concerned, interested and affected parties, that the following declaration is made by and for the Sovereign People of Britain [the People], in the absence of a legitimate Parliamentary democracy or lawful governance, following the constitutionally repugnant subjugation of the People to the dictates of unaccountable government, in accordance with a demonstrably fraudulent and genocidal agenda. Wherefore, given that since the enactment of the European Communities Act 1972, the UK Parliament has committed the following Common Law wrongdoings against the People:
1. Unconstitutionally ceded British Sovereignty to the European Union [a foreign power].
2. Permanently denied the People the rights to bear arms, be presumed innocent until proven guilty, to exercise their conscience and to remain silent.
3. Emphatically failed to keep criminals off British streets and to protect an unlawfully disarmed populace from an epidemic of violent crime.
4. Disgracefully enabled private banking interests to dictate government policy, monopolise industries and control natural resources.
5. Dishonourably allowed those private banking interests to perpetuate institutionalised signature forgery and banking fraud on an industrial scale.
6. Facilitated the enforcement of millions of fraudulent mortgage possession claims by forbidding a complicit judiciary from ruling fraud against any UK bank or making any serving MP bankrupt.
7. Caused the frequently brutal and violent unlawful evictions of more than 3 million people over the last three decades alone, often with the assistance of the police.
8. Constructed a total surveillance state which prevents the enjoyment of a private family life.
9. Licensed the poisoning of the air, water and food supplies, as well as caused the destruction of the farming, fishing and manufacturing industries.
10. Conspired with foreign powers to implement the genocidal United Nations agendas 21 and 30 at a local government level, under the guise of ‘Sustainable Development Goals’.
11. Waged illegal wars against other sovereign nations of people, causing millions of men, women and children to die through no fault of their own.
12. Committed treason felony against the monarch, by way of section 38 of the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020, which implicitly deposed QEII of the crown by declaring Parliament to be sovereign.
13. Decreed the unlawful house arrest of every Briton, imposing draconian regulations which resulted in untold thousands of deaths, the destruction of the national economy and the bankruptcy of a vast number of businesses.
14. Enacted the treasonous Coronavirus Act 2020, which purported to suspend the legal rights guaranteed to every Briton by the Common Law, whilst legalising mandatory vaccination and the falsification of death certificates, in addition to suspending the democratic right to remove the government from office.
15. Rolling out ULEZ/ clean air zones and 20 mile an hour roads 15 minute cities under the guise of public safety when in fact the order is nothing but a cash cow for the governments and local councils, keeping people poor and bewildered. Slaves to the system, a breach of the Modern Slavery act 2015.
Natural law birth right and the Common Law.
1.0a For the purposes of restoring the rights and protections guaranteed by the Common Law, it is hereby reaffirmed that Sovereignty is naturally vested in the People, who are naturally endowed at birth with the following unalienable rights, which no government has the authority to suspend or impede:
1. The rights to self-determination, both as individuals and collectively.
2. The right to be presumed innocent of any crime or civil offence, until proven guilty before a jury of our peers.
3. The right to bear arms and defend ourselves, our family, property and community, from unlawful acts of aggression and theft, with all reasonable force necessary.
4. The rights to exercise our conscience and to remain silent whenever appropriate.
5. The rights to a private family life, freedom of expression and religious freedom.
6. The right to live freely in an unpolluted environment, with unrestricted access to clean air, water and food sources.
7. The rights of free assembly and to campaign against injustices of all natures and descriptions.
8. The right to come and go as we please, without unwarranted intrusion, harassment, surveillance or delay.
9. The right to declare any unconstitutional law or treaty unlawful by unanimous Common Law Grand Jury.
10. The right to depose criminal governments by any lawful means necessary, including the Unilateral Declaration of a properly convened Common Law Grand Jury.
11. The rights of autonomy in the conduct of every aspect of our lives, within the boundaries set by the Common Law, as restored by the lawful execution this declaration.
12. The rights to contract and conduct any lawful business and to trade in any lawful currency of our choosing, without government interference, licensing or taxation.
13. The right to seek a Grand Jury order that the police and the military arrest, detain and charge criminal government officers for Common Law crimes against the People.
14. The right to claim Lawful Excuse in performing or refusing to perform any act or deed our conscience dictates we must, even if we are subsequently held to be wrong and/or such a course of action is prohibited by law.
15. The right to convene Common Law courts, where every case, both civil and criminal, is heard and decided by a Common Law jury, upon its merits.
16. The right to seek Grand Jury nullification of international agreements, including but not limited to, the nullification of the UK becoming a signatory to UN Agendas 21 and 30. This declaration has been drafted in the genuine hope that everybody, from wheresoever they come, will one day soon be able to live their lives, on these shores and everywhere else, according to our ancient Universal Maxim of Common Law: Cause no harm, injury, damage or loss, but defend yourself, your family, your community and your property with all reasonable force necessary, from all those who seek to do you wrong.
Solemn Declaration
We solemnly swear that we have Lawful Excuse to take this course of action in defence of the rights and protections of the Common Law governing the British Isles, having witnessed our beloved homeland being subjected to the most treasonous government crimes against the People. It is therefore with sound minds and sincere hearts that we are compelled to declare that we revoke our consent, whether express or implied, to be governed under the laws of any Parliament which has made the government unaccountable to the People and in so doing forfeited its legitimacy under the Common Law; and that we are seeking a Unilateral Declaration from a Common Law Grand jury that the “Declaration Of Rights 2020” must from henceforth be held to be the law of our homeland, which we will do our utmost to uphold, apply and preserve. This draft of “Declaration of Rights 2020” will be presented to a Common Law Grand Jury by the initiating signatories to the Declaration of Rights at the earliest opportunity. In the event it is declared that the declaration is sufficient for the purposes of restoring the Common Law. Declaration of Rights 2020 will nullify the illegitimate UK government and Parliament, for abject breaches of Articles 1 and 2 of the Declaration of Rights 1688 and the Bill of Rights 1689.
Memorandum of Understanding
Universal Community Trust, & Her Majesty’s Government
This document may be used to inform any interested, concerned or affected parties that the nations of peoples standing under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST or SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA are not bound by or signatory to any other treaties or conventions, but will nevertheless adhere to the principles set forth in the Treaty of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST [the Treaty], which are in accordance with the general principles of the Law of Nations.
0.1 a).Pursuant to the terms of the Treaty, which were publicly declared, witnessed and ratified for and on behalf of the free indigenous sovereign peoples of the islands of Britain and North America on 21/06/2012, a copy of which was considered served upon Her Majesty’s Secretary of State to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office by special delivery to the Treaty Section on 31/08/2012.
b). Acknowledging the absence of any possibility of a legal objection by Her Majesty’s Government to the proclaimed rights of any indigenous peoples to independence, selfdetermination and self-governance, wherever their ancestral lands may be, in accordance with the generally established principles of inter-national law and convention, including [without limitation] the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 and the Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007, by which Her Majesty’s Government has agreed to be bound.
c). In consideration of the fact that it is well established under the principles laid down in Book II, Chapter 1, Article 6 of the Law of Nations, that all nations will assist each other in the perfection of other nations, whether in the event that any indigenous peoples declaring their right to independence, self-determination and self-governance or otherwise. Wherefore, the following points set forth the mutual understanding that has arisen by the tacit agreement of the parties:
1. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly recognises the validity of the Treaty, its aims and objectives.
2. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly recognises the sovereignty, independence and autonomy of the indigenous nations of peoples who stand under the jurisdiction of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST [UCT] and therefor the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA is fully inclusive.
3. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly accepts that the peoples of the sovereign nations concerned have pledged their sacred honour and allegiance to UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST & the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA, by way of inter-national treaty and duly ratified compacts, thereby repudiating all former pledges of those peoples, whether expressed or implied, to any other nations.
4. Her Majesty’s Government acknowledges that the Natural Law jurisdiction established by the nations standing under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST & SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA is now a clearly defined, separate and superior jurisdiction for the resolution of both civil and criminal matters.
5. Her Majesty’s Government accepts that it has an obligation under the established principles of the Law of Nations to co-operate with the community of nations under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST & the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA, in order to facilitate the restoration of ancestral lands and natural resources to the peoples of those nations.
6. The parties agree that any and all civil disputes will be settled in a timely and peaceful manner (in accordance with the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Doctrine) by inter-national arbitral tribunals, in the absence of a private equitable settlement within six months of a dispute arising by notice. All criminal allegations [if any] will be heard by a Supreme Grand Jury under the jurisdiction of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST & the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA, unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
7. The parties concur that this memorandum constitutes a formal sealed proclamation of the participating nations’ ratification and/or accession to the terms of the Treaty, originally executed on 21 June 2012 CE by the founding sovereign nations of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST & the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA. Whilst this document is not legally enforceable, it may be used as evidence that the independence, sovereignty and jurisdiction of UCT & therefore the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA has been implicitly recognised.
Administered under the Great Seal of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, on the 15th day of the month of March, in the year known as 2013 CE.
Let it be known by all concerned, affected and interested parties that the independence and sovereignty of the Communities of Indigenous Free Peoples who ratify this treaty is hereby proclaimed, declared and affirmed without equivocation, and is vested solely in the men and women of those communities, both individually and collectively, notwithstanding the fact that their representatives may be authorised by each to act in a sovereign capacity on their collective behalf in strictly limited sets of circumstances, such as those Mankind currently finds itself in, for the purposes of achieving the inter-community consensus required to establish a supreme jurisdiction under the guiding principles of Natural Law, supplemented and interpreted in this TREATY OF SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA.
1) , with a view to peacefully bringing about the following aims and objectives:
a). an end to all crimes against Mankind and the Earth that are currently being perpetrated by governments, whether elected or not, corporations, organisations, individuals and legal entities of all natures and descriptions.
b). The dismantling of all industries which, by developing, manufacturing and exploiting for profit any substance, product or by-product, cause actual damage, harm, injury or loss to Mankind and/or damage to the Earth.
c). The deconstruction of unsustainable fiscal systems that would facilitate one man to have and one man to have not, including [without limitation] the abolition of usury in all it’s forms and the de-monopolisation of land rights, inter-national borders, mediums of exchange, trading platforms and the means of communicating, publishing and distributing information.
d). The nullifying, settlement and/or discharge of all outstanding or allegedly owed debts, obligations and liabilities, with a view to replacing unaccountable, unsustainable and inequitable usury-based financial systems with localised and autonomous Permanent Credit Facilities or depositories, in every community that stands under the jurisdiction of SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA.
e). The eradication of all forms of artificial scarcity and its effects, including homelessness, famine and disease, by and through the facilitation of a naturally abundant, peaceful, free and harmonious environment for Mankind to dwell and the distribution of organic materials, agricultural produce, seeds and proven natural health remedies.
f). The dissolution of Mankind’s dependence upon fossil fuel industries for the production of energy, including [without limitation] coal seam gas mining, coal fired power stations and oil drilling, as well as the cessation of all toxic pollution of the biosphere of the Earth in any detrimental form whatsoever, whether it be gaseous, liquid, solid or radioactive, and the closure and clean-up of all unsafe nuclear power facilities.
g). The rapid development, manufacture, distribution and implementation of new and existing free and clean energy technologies in every community upon the Earth under SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA.
h). A cease-fire in all wars, the repatriation of all armed services personnel, following the repudiation of all unlawful allegiances and the setting aside of all oaths made in the service of private interests to the detriment of Mankind, and the unequivocal commitment of the parties to this Treaty to recall and withdraw any and all beneficiaries of SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA from every armed conflict at the earliest opportunity.
i). The establishment of Co-operative Trade Networks in and between all communities, with a view to promoting the localisation of trade, self-sufficiency, mutual co-operation and the eventual replacement of money with Unconditional Pledges of Sweat Equity, which shall form the basis for the permanent credit of every beneficiary of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA.
j). An agreement that privately issued Promissory Notes made payable to bearer on demand by any grantor, trustee or beneficiary of SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA may be used for the purposes of settling any valid financial obligation or to create credits in their account held at the community’s depository, the balance of which will be transferable to any account in another jurisdiction, provided those credits are not used for any purpose that is detrimental to Mankind and/or the Earth.
k). The nullifying of any and all judicial proceedings and convictions for victimless crimes, as well as the positive law which legalised such unlawful proceedings, and the prohibition and prevention of any Man being charged with future crimes.
l). The facilitation of the re-emergence of the Universal Bond of Common Unity between the free indigenous peoples of the Earth, in order to achieve these aims and objectives in the most peaceful, amicable and equitable manners.
i) Having agreed that the presumption of the authority to act upon the people or any nation or community must necessarily be derived from their consent to be regulated by the rules governing any lawfully established jurisdiction; it is observable that almost every community of people on the Earth currently lives under a system which does not meet their needs, the controllers of which are able to use coercion and manipulation under threat of force, violence and/or incarceration in order to gain acquiescence to their positive laws, to which most of the people who populate the Earth have not given their free and unambiguous consent, as is the well-established principle of lawful governance.
ii) In other words, the current system is a globally imposed hegemony of private, vested interests, the service of which has been detrimental to the beautiful and naturally bountiful Earth, as well as systematically deconstructing the Universal Bond of Common Unity between its peoples, without which freedom, peace, abundance and mutually beneficial co-operation between nations cannot exist. It is therefore declared without division that the indigenous nations standing under have denied or revoked their citizenship and their consent to be governed under the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA
iii) the laws of any other jurisdiction, whilst every jurisdictional claim by any purported ruling authority is repudiated by the execution of this Treaty, for and on behalf of every member of every nation party to it. Henceforth: all disputes and/or complaints lodged by or against any grantor, trustee or beneficiary of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA
iv) will be settled or heard in arbitration proceedings or before a jury of thirteen of their peers, unless otherwise unambiguously agreed between the parties concerned and subject to the provisions of this Treaty regarding the formations of Supreme Grand Juries and any duly ratified amendments.
1.4 Amendments may be proposed by the formal, written proposal of any Trustee of a Sovereign Community Trust, for and on behalf of any of its beneficiaries, which shall be presented for consideration at a convention of the Founding Trustees of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA
Every proposal for an amendment that has the unanimous support of the nations who ratify this Treaty will be brought into force and effect by its inclusion in this instrument, as if the amendment was set forth in the original Treaty, provided that it is duly ratified under the seal of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA.
a) , whether at a convention or otherwise.
1) There are three foundations of every community: common unity, peaceful possession and equity for all.
2) There are three foundations of equity: protection, correction and natural justice.
3) There are three protections and securities for every member of the community: of life and the body, of the place we make a home, and of our natural rights.
4) There are three things which promote common unity: empathy, respect and unconditional love for our fellow Man.
5) There are three things which strengthen common unity: effective protection and security for every Man and his property, just correction wherever it is required and forgiveness derived from a equitable cause.
6) There are three things that destroy common unity: cruel and unjust punishments; forgiveness derived from blind respect and partiality; and false judgment, where no Man can obtain natural protection.
7) There are three pillars of every community: sovereignty, of the individual and the nation, the voice of the people and equitable resolutions of disputes and complaints.
8) There are three things which ought to belong to each of these three pillars: equity to all, protection and defence to all and open source information for the instruction, knowledge and records of all.
9) There are three elements of equitable resolutions: right knowledge, natural right and conscientious rectitude.
10) There are three energies of equitable resolutions: a learned arbitrator or jury, a faithful witness and a conscientious verdict.
11) There are three mandatory qualifications of every jury or arbitrator of a dispute or complaint: a full and complete knowledge of the facts of the matter, the customs of the community and the tendencies and consequences of the times.
12) There are three things which every arbitrator should constantly study: natural truth, conscientious forgiveness and the energetic dictates of knowledge.
13) There are three indispensabilities of every community: the sovereignty of the selfgoverned, the voice of the people being heard without prejudice and the consistent and unbiased administration of equity.
14) There are three universally binding actions that should require the verdict of a Supreme Grand Jury of 13 Sovereign Representatives to effect in any nation: the deposition of a de facto government or acting sovereign paramount; the banishment of criminal religious institutions and monarchies and the equitable reclamation of the lands, resources and properties unlawfully held by such parties; and the suspension or repudiation of laws and instruments that do not benefit Mankind and/or cause damage to the Earth.
15) There are three unalienable birthrights: the right to peaceful possession of a parcel of land, fit for the purposes of building a home, growing food and raising a family, with unrestricted access to clean, unpolluted water, as well as the minerals below and the airspace above it; the right to use all necessary and reasonable defences to protect the body, family and property from theft, fraud, damage, harm and loss; and the right of self-determination under Natural Law.
16) There are three guarantees of every community which has the voluntary consent of its sovereign people: security for life and limb; security for property held in peaceful possession without malfeasance, theft or fraud; and security of the right to selfdetermination.
17) There are three things the safety of which depends on that of the others: the sovereignty of the people; the integrity and fairness of a nation’s domestic and foreign policies; and the consistent and unbiased administration of equity.
18) There are three things free to everybody upon the Earth, the refusal of which no law can justify: food from an abundant field, forest or orchard, water from spring, river, tap or well – for any individual or family in dire need of sustenance; firing from a decayed tree or fence; and peaceful possession of a dwelling or land not in fair use or proven to be rightfully held following due public notice of a claim by a landless or homeless individual or family or community.
19) There are three thieves who should not suffer proceedings against them: any individual compelled under the force of another; any child under 16 years; and anybody who is suffering from any form of generally accepted mental illness, incapacity or disease.
20) There are three rightful applications of equity: prevention of actual suffering, harm, injury, damage and loss; compensation and/or restitution for all injured parties; and assurance of equitable resolutions, peaceful civil proceedings and the reconciliation of the accused with their accusers. There are three sacred conventions of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA: a convention of families assembled for the purposes of founding a community; a convention of arbitrators for the purpose of administering equity; and a convention of the SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA;
21) assembled for the purposes of establishing independence, accession and jurisdiction.
22) It is self-evident that freedom cannot co-exist with inequality of rights and restrictions, taxation of labour or sweat equity and the restriction of our freedom to come and go as we please.
23) Any Sovereign Nation of Free Indigenous People is necessarily ruined by inordinate privileges for the few, corruption of justice and a general national apathy to injustices, which have become prevalent in all so-called ‘modern’ societies.
24) Long-lasting peace under Natural Law cannot be established without an end to all wars between nations, the de-monopolisation of land rights and natural resources and the repudiation of the laws that were made by Mankind to its own detriment and that of the Earth.
Let it be known by all that no law can unman a Man, or un-call a calling.
1. Natural Law, also known as the Laws of Nature, is that which the Universal Causation of All That Is, God, the Supreme Being, the Universe or howsoever described according to subjective preference or faith, has prescribed to all Mankind, not by any formal promulgation, but by the internal guidance of reason with heart-felt resonance alone.
2. Natural Law forms the permanent and underlying basis of all law and theories of Natural Law have been an integral part of jurisprudence throughout the history of man-made laws.
3. We must therefore distinguish between Natural Law and positive law, which is the body of law created by Mankind.
4. Natural Law is always superior to positive law.
5. The principals of Natural Law derive from Universal or Divine Law, otherwise known as the Laws of Nature.
6. Natural Law dictates that Man must be allowed to exercise his own Freewill, but not without bearing responsibility for his actions.
7. Common Law is that which derives its force and authority from the consent and immemorial practice of the people within any community; it has never received the sanction of the legislature by an express act, which is the criterion by which it is to be distinguished from statute law, which is inferior in every respect to Common Law.
8. In accord with the Laws of Nature, Common Law dictates that all Men are free to do what they choose for themselves, provided they do not infringe the unalienable rights of another to do the same.
9. SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA is hereby established as the Supreme Jurisdiction in the nations which ratify the terms of this Treaty, having united by mutual consent and in common unity, in order to deliberate, determine and act jointly for the purposes of the restoration of Natural Law upon the Earth, as well as bringing about an end to all wars, genocide, debt-slavery, usury, famine, poverty, pollution and preventable disease.
10. No individual or legal entity is above Natural Law, and Equity, meaning natural justice, is paramount and mandatory under SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA, in that no law, statute or principle can be upheld at the expense of a just, fair and reasonable outcome.
11. In positive law, a ‘sovereign’ is one who governs themselves independently of any foreign control, in the union and exercise of all lawful powers possessed and exercised by a sovereign head of state and/or government. In Natural Law, a sovereign is a Man who exercises his unalienable right to self-govern. Under SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA, all grantors and beneficiaries are therefore considered sovereigns of equal status, each of whom acts in a sovereign capacity at all times.
12. ‘Government’ is the manner in which sovereignty is exercised in each sovereign state or nation, and ‘democracy’ is that form of government in which the sovereign power is exercised by the people in a body politic; ‘democratic government’ is the body politic which purportedly exercises the sovereign power of the people who elected it, notwithstanding the opposition of a majority of those subjected to its jurisdiction against their will. Selfgovernment and democratic government are therefore mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist in any nation.
13. The purported right to enforce democratic, autocratic or despotic government policy by coercive and/or deceptive methods is always, and without exception, a breach of Natural Law and therefore void ab initio, even when such methods of enforcement are permitted or prescribed under statutes and/or the orders of unlawful and/or de facto courts and/or governments.
14. In the absence of the voluntary and unambiguous consent of the self-governed, representative government or administration cannot rightfully exist.
15. Pursuant to the principles of Natural Law, Man has the unalienable right to selfdetermination and self-governance, and can therefore, at any time, choose to revoke his citizenship or deny his consent to be governed by or subjected to any administration or entity or individual, but shall always, in any event, be responsible for his actions under the guiding principles of Natural Law.
16. Any Man who does revoke or deny his consent to be governed by or as a citizen of any purported authority is free from government control and any perceived statutory obligations, restrictions and restraints imposed by the state that he was formerly or supposedly governed by.
17. Any and all agreements purportedly made for and on behalf of the indigenous peoples of the Earth, do not in any way bind those who have revoked or denied their consent to be governed by them, nor do any of those agreements preclude the unalienable rights of the indigenous peoples to self-determination and self-governance, as is recognised under the established conventions of inter-national law.
18. Living freely in peace is within any community’s equitable standards and does not create any harm, loss, injury, damage or liability, or comprise a breach of the peace in any way whatsoever, whereas, violence, which only ever begets more violence, has been monopolised by successive unaccountable and/or purportedly democratic governments, long-since dominated by private interests, resulting in persistent, continuing and increasing actions that work to the detriment of Mankind and the Earth.
1. The right to live freely in peace without encumbrances of all natures and descriptions and to deny or revoke our consent to be governed, regulated or coerced in any manner whatsoever.
2. The right to hold, use and enjoy any and all property in our peaceful possession, without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it.
3. The rights to a parcel of permanent land in the region of our birth, including water, mineral and air use, to live upon and within, for the purposes of making a home, raising children, growing food and self-realisation, which shall be held, free and clear, in perpetual private trust for the benefit of the next generation. [Such rights may be exchanged for similar rights to land in other parts of the Earth, in accordance with the agreement of the parties.]
4. The right to use all necessary and reasonable defences to protect ourselves, our kin and our interests, including the appointment and authorisation of Defenders of the Peace in any community, in the event of any and all circumstances.
5. The right to refuse to supply or to initiate the recall of an intimate or non-intimate DNA sample for any purpose whatsoever.
6. The right to refuse to supply or to initiate the recall of samples of our bodily fluids, skin, hair, bones, organs or tissues, in the event of any and all circumstances.
7. The right to refuse to be medicated by any individual, government, corporation, organisation or legal entity, under any circumstances whatsoever, as well as the right to medicate ourselves as we see fit.
8. The right to cultivate, harvest, store, trade, barter and/or use for our own purposes, any and all organic substances which will grow or form naturally upon the Earth.
9. The right to refuse to be bound by the unlawful judgments, orders, warrants, directives and/or rulings of the de facto courts of any entity, party or individual claiming jurisdiction over us.
10. The right to Sovereign & Class 1 Diplomatic Privileges, including (without limitation) the right to use a Diplomatic Passport or Port Pass, Diplomatic Premises and Diplomatic modes of Transport, as well as immunity from legal obligations that we have not expressly consented to in any foreign jurisdiction.
11. The right of Superior Guardianship over our offspring from the date of conception, which shall be presumed to be held jointly with the other biological parent or guardian, until proven otherwise under oath or affirmation, without limitation and strictly precluding civil regulations of any kind, under any circumstances whatsoever.
12. The right to hold exclusive Powers of Attorney over the physical bodies and possessions of our offspring, which shall be considered to be held jointly in private trust with their other biological parent or guardian until proven otherwise, until the sixteenth anniversary of their physical birth.
13. The right to educate our children at home or in any way we deem to be beneficial for their physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development, without limitation, supervision, intervention, inspection or interference of any and all natures and descriptions.
14. The rights of full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any port or place on the Earth, including (without limitation) the rights to cross international borders and to return to the land of our physical birth at our sole discretion and without interference, taxation or undue delays of any and all natures and descriptions.
15. The right to make, deposit and benefit from our own currency or medium of exchange without charges, taxes or interest, until such time that Mankind frees itself from its psychological dependence upon the abstract concept of money as a means of denoting the value and progress of our very existence.
16. The right to expect no detainment, supervision or arrest without a sealed writ issued by a rightful authority alleging breaches of Natural Law, the right to be presumed innocent of allegations until proven otherwise before a jury of our peers and the protection of the community wherever we may roam.
17. The rights to life, health, well-being, privacy and silence.
18. The right to free assembly, expression, thoughts of any and all natures and descriptions and the right to determine our own spiritual or religious and/or non-religious path. In the most simplistic of terms, let all Men in all nations under SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA be self-governed by the divine maxim:
Do no harm, cause no loss and accept no wrongdoing against you.
This Treaty was opened for ratification on 21 June 2012 CE and has thus far been duly ratified by twenty five independent sovereign nations of indigenous peoples, with several others having expressed the intent to do so at the earliest opportunity, thereby establishing the supreme jurisdiction of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST and therefore SOVEREIGN NATION OF BOUDICA upon the Earth, under the guiding principles of Natural Law.
The UCT Treaty was originally published at: THREE INDISPENSABILITIES 1.8 1).
“There are three indispensabilities of every community:
a) the sovereignty of the self-governed,
b) the voice of the people being heard without prejudice,
c) and the consistent and unbiased administration of equity.”